Changing My Home Loan Type

Changing home loan type is easier than you think and can have big benefits.

Learn about loan types

Your Home Loan Options

Knowledge is power. Explore how to manage your home loan and get more out of it.

Manage your home loan

Financial Support

Find out how BOQ may be able to  help if you are experiencing financial difficulty or need support making your home loan repayments.

Read about support

Making Home Loan Repayments

Find out more about your home loan repayment options and how you can make changes to better suit your needs.

Learn about repayments

Property Reports

Learn more about an individual property through a free BOQ Property Report.

Request a report

Tips to Pay Down Your Home Loan Faster

Want to own your home sooner or build up your equity? When it comes to your home loan, a few changes today can have a big impact tomorrow. Here’s some handy tips to pay down your home loan faster.

Read payment tips

Principal and Interest vs. Interest Only home loans

Is your loan right for you? Learn more about the different mortgage repayment types and how they could meet your changing home loan needs.

Learn about options

Closing My Home Loan

Understand the ins and outs of closing your home loan and discharging your mortgage.

Read about discharges