APRA Pillar 3 Disclosures
The Basel Capital Accord principles took effect in Australia on 1 January 2008. The framework for the application is comprised of three pillars:
- Pillar 1: More sophisticated calculation of minimum capital requirements;
- Pillar 2: Institutions’ own assessments of their capital adequacy and enhanced supervision of capital management; and
- Pillar 3: Materially increased disclosure requirements
The Bank of Queensland Limited Group (“the Group”) commenced reporting its regulatory disclosures to APRA under the requirements of Pillar 1 from January 2008 using the Standardised approach. The Group has also implemented the Pillar 2 regime including documentation of its Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process (“ICAAP”) and increased management supervisory review and assessment.
The Pillar 3 requirements previously mandated by APRA prudential standard APS 330, ‘Capital Adequacy: Public Disclosure of Prudential Information’, involved the disclosure of regulatory capital structure, capital adequacy and credit risk information.
From 31 August 2013, APRA prudential standard APS 330, ‘Public Disclosure', involves the disclosure of capital adequacy summary, credit risk summary, securitisation exposures, capital adequacy common disclosure template and regulatory balance sheet.
The Group has prepared all capital disclosures in accordance with Basel III from 1 January 2013.
Bank of Queensland will be updating components of its Pillar 3 disclosures on a quarterly basis, with additional disclosures provided on a semi-annual basis in alignment with the Group’s annual and half year reporting periods.
Current financial year information is provided below.
Financial Year Ending 31 August 2025